AF Vitality Coral V 10ml from Aquaforest is a concentrated vitamin supplement for corals . It reinforces the intensity of the colors and increases the resistance of the corals.
AF Vitality Coral V from Aquaforest is a concentrated vitamin supplement for corals . It reinforces the intensity of the colors and increases the resistance of the corals.
This new coral concentrate contains both liquid and solid elements, providing food for SPS as well as various soft corals. Does not increase PO4 or NO3.
This new coral concentrate contains both liquid and solid elements, providing food for SPS as well as various soft corals. Does not increase PO4 or NO3.
A combination of virtually all trace elements useful and necessary for corals, according to the results of our current experiment. DO NOT use in combination with the ZEOvit® System.
Pohl's B-Balance contains essential minerals and its addition makes it possible to maintain delicate animals like Cespitularia. Particularly enhances the red color of Acropora, Stylopora and Pocillopora. The corals are healthier and more resistant, the establishment of their bases is more solid and grow even in areas of low light.
Pohl's B-Balance contains essential minerals and its addition makes it possible to maintain delicate animals like Cespitularia. Particularly enhances the red color of Acropora, Stylopora and Pocillopora. The corals are healthier and more resistant, the establishment of their bases is more solid and grow even in areas of low light.
Pohl's B-Balance contains essential minerals and its addition makes it possible to maintain delicate animals like Cespitularia. Particularly enhances the red color of Acropora, Stylopora and Pocillopora. The corals are healthier and more resistant, the establishment of their bases is more solid and grow even in areas of low light.
NYOS® INSTANT PLANKTON is a very rich plankton, in fine powder, for feeding all corals, invertebrates and marine fish.
- For all corals and invertebrates. - For many delicate fish. - Promotes the development of zooplankton. - Contains many vitamins. - Low phosphate and nitrate content.
With Nyos® GOLDPODS you have a concentrated zoological solution of plankton from the pure waters of the arctic seas. They can be used directly in your marine aquarium. GOLDPODS contains the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus (2mm in size). These provide ideal nutrition for many sensitive corals, saltwater fish and LPS.
CORAL VITALITY , allows an optimal supply of the symbiotic bacteria of the coral tissue. A healthy coral biome ensures strong growth and color formation, as well as robust health.
Polyp-Booster is an ultra concentrated food for corals containing 18 amino acids and 12 fatty acids. Designed to improve the health and luster of all types of coral. Also for aquarium fish, invertebrates and crustaceans. It will be absorbed in 30 seconds by the corals.
Coral Active 118mlstimulates the growth of hard corals and sustainably supports the construction of the calcareous skeleton . It contains all the elements necessary for growth, such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, the purest aragonite and much more. and thus ensures optimal conditions for the care of invertebrates.
Coral Active 236mlstimulates the growth of hard corals and sustainably supports the construction of the calcareous skeleton . It contains all the elements necessary for growth, such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, the purest aragonite and much more. and thus ensures optimal conditions for the care of invertebrates.
Coral Active 473mlstimulates the growth of hard corals and sustainably supports the construction of the calcareous skeleton . It contains all the elements necessary for growth, such as calcium, magnesium, iodine, the purest aragonite and much more. and thus ensures optimal conditions for the care of invertebrates.
Sango Nutri-Basic #1 is a complex nutrient concentrate feeds your entire reef aquarium and works with a new formulation of many organic active ingredients. Additionally, #1 uses a modified composition of key inorganic compounds and elements the aquarium needs to stabilize a healthy nutrient environment.
SangoKai 's Nutri-NRG #1 500ml is an organic food that can be used in the BASIS system to feed fast growing, high coral laden SPS/LPS mixed aquariums .
SangoKaiNutri-NRG #2 500ml contains inorganic trace substances adjusted to promote and support coral coloration , as well as to optimize the photosynthetic performance of zooxanthellae.
Coral Togail 2l promotes the growth of corals, strengthens their structure . Solution containing hydroxyapatite, collagen, many amino acids and minerals.
Product shipped in concentrated form. It must be diluted before use.
Coral Togail 4l promotes the growth of corals, strengthens their structure . Solution containing hydroxyapatite, collagen, many amino acids and minerals.
Product shipped in concentrated form. It must be diluted before use.
Coral Chiob is a nutritious supplement promoting the growth of sponges as well as certain spongy gorgonians . It will help the development of ornamental sponges and sponges in the diet of angelfish.
Reef Energy Plus 250ml will delight your corals by ensuring better growth, better health, more vivid colors while being easier to use on a dosing pump and causing less over-skimming.
Reef Energy Plus 500ml will delight your corals by ensuring better growth, better health, more vivid colors while being easier to use on a dosing pump and causing less over-skimming.
Reef Energy Plus 1000ml will delight your corals by ensuring better growth, better health, more vivid colors while being easier to use on a dosing pump and causing less over-skimming.
Reef Energy Plus 5000ml will delight your corals by ensuring better growth, better health, more vivid colors while being easier to use on a dosing pump and causing less over-skimming.
AF Phyto Mix 250 ml from Aquaforest is a liquid food intended especially for soft corals , gorgonians and non-photosynthetic corals. Thanks to the perfect balance between phytoplankton and zooplankton, the preparation provides the corals with all the necessary nutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In order to provide corals with a diet that meets all their nutritional needs, AF Phyto Mix contains premium animal-derived additives.
Bio-Magnesium from Tropic Marin provides the biologically ideal addition of magnesium to reef aquariums . Magnesium is one of the most important main compounds in seawater. It is biochemically involved directly in the photosynthesis of algae, in the transformation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and light into organic bonds.
RECON X 500ml from Fauna Marin supports corals during recovery. A selected complex of high-quality fatty acids in combination with rare amino acids and vitamins supports corals during recovery after treatment, fragmentation or other damage, e.g. tissue damage caused by parasites.
Prodibio 's Coral Color Boosterpromotes the development and coloring of your corals . Its balanced formulation ensures the presence of strontium and all the trace elements and trace elements necessary for their development in the right proportions. Since iodine cannot be stored effectively in plastic packaging, we offer you the combination of IODI+ in a protective ampoule.
Coral's Love from Korallen-Zucht is a perfect solution for reef aquariums : Love for corals! Nutrients are made directly available, especially with bleached or damaged corals, acting quickly and aiding regeneration !
Coral's Love from Korallen-Zucht is a perfect solution for reef aquariums : Love for corals! Nutrients are made directly available, especially with bleached or damaged corals, acting quickly and aiding regeneration !
Coral's Love from Korallen-Zucht is a perfect solution for reef aquariums : Love for corals! Nutrients are made directly available, especially with bleached or damaged corals, acting quickly and aiding regeneration !
Coral's Love from Korallen-Zucht is a perfect solution for reef aquariums : Love for corals! Nutrients are made directly available, especially with bleached or damaged corals, acting quickly and aiding regeneration !
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Find all the vitamin solutions for increased growth of your corals .
Find all the vitamin solutions for increased growth of your corals .