
OCEAMO - ICP-OES - Analysis for seawater aquariums


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ICP-OES from Oceamo is a laboratory analysis of sea water. It will allow you to know the precise loan rates for 40 water parameters.

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The benefits and information of ICP-EOS analysis

Our water analyzes are carried out using scientific methodology and precision. We take the time to evaluate and explain the results. - No need to be a chemist to understand and use Oceamo analysis.​

With our ICP-OES, we can safely analyze a large portion of the essential elements, trace elements and pollutants present in water. Our ion chromatography (with conductivity and UV detection) also allows us to reliably determine fluorides, nitrates and nitrites with very low detection limits. Salinity is determined using a conductivity probe and alkalinity (KH) is determined by titrimetry. Additionally, we measure phosphate using a sensitive photometric method, which allows this important parameter to be determined very reliably.

The parameters tested:

  • Basic parameters: alkalinity (KH), salinity
  • Macroelements: Bor, Bromide, Calcium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Strontium, Sulfate
  • Trace elements: barium, chromium, iron, fluoride, iodine, cobalt, copper, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, rubidium, selenium, vanadium, zinc, tin
  • Pollutants: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, beryllium, bismuth, Lead, cadmium, mercury, thallium, lanthanum
  • Nutrients: Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate (photometric), Silicon

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