Bio-Exit Green is the new product to restore a biological balance by neutralizing the loss of sugars in plants by offering a unique blend of organic acids and specific growth stimulators .
Bio-Exit Green is the new product to restore a biological balance by neutralizing the loss of sugars in plants by offering a unique blend of organic acids and specific growth stimulators .
Bio-Exit Green is the new product to restore a biological balance by neutralizing the loss of sugars in plants by offering a unique blend of organic acids and specific growth stimulators .
Bio-Exit Blue completely restores the microbiological balance of soil bacteria and therefore stops the growth of blue algae and cyanobacteria. Bio-Exit Blue strongly stimulates the growth of heterotrophic soil bacteria.
Bio-Exit Blue completely restores the microbiological balance of soil bacteria and therefore stops the growth of blue algae and cyanobacteria. Bio-Exit Blue strongly stimulates the growth of heterotrophic soil bacteria.
Bio-Exit Blue completely restores the microbiological balance of soil bacteria and therefore stops the growth of blue algae and cyanobacteria. Bio-Exit Blue strongly stimulates the growth of heterotrophic soil bacteria.
EasyNeo 500 ml from Easy Life , considerably strengthens the immune system in a natural way. This effectively prevents illness and even death from stress and injury during transportation . After transport, the aquarium can be treated with EASYNEO ® to provide the best care and avoid diseases during the habituation period.
Blue Life's Green Cyano Rxquickly and effectively treats pathogenic cyano-bacteria found in the rocks, plants, gravel and sand of your freshwater aquariumwithout harming its inhabitants , including beneficial bacteria, when it is used in accordance with the instructions. Unlike other products, GreenCyano Rx will not discolor your aquarium water . With 4 grams, you will be able to treat 1514 liters of water in your aquarium .
Combo Pack by Blue Life is a pack including Red Cyano Rx and Phosphate Rx . Red Cyano is a treatment against Cyanobacteria , it will quickly and effectively treat cyanopathogenic bacteria from live rocks, live corals and live sand in your saltwater aquarium. Phosphate Rx is a simple and effective product against phosphates which will be eliminated from both saltwater and freshwater aquariums.
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Discover a wide range of products for treating aquarium water , fish and removing unwanted fish .
Discover a wide range of products for treating aquarium water , fish and removing unwanted fish .